Monday, December 12, 2016

Ciphers and random ciphers

  • How much easier is it to crack a caesar cipher than a random substitution cipher? Can you put a number on it?
    • It is so much easier. Probably 3 times easier.
  • Was it difficult to crack a Random Substitution cipher? Did it take longer than you thought? shorter? Why?
    • Yes it took longer and was more difficult. It was harder because I could not just shift the alphabet over to find out I had to figure out each letter individually. 
  • Any encryption cipher is an algorithm for transforming plaintext into ciphertext. What about the other way around? Can you write out an algorithm for cracking a Caesar cipher? What about a random substitution cipher?
    • Yes, it is possible to make an algorithm that shifts the alphabet until there becomes a recognizable message from the encrypted message. Same with the random substitution.  
  • Recall that in RFC 3271, “The Internet is for Everyone” Vint Cerf wrote the following. What did he mean by “cryptographic technology?” What does it mean to you now?
    • I think that he meant that there is a type of technology central to creating passwords and cracking them. It is along the lines of cybersecurity. It means now ensuring that the internet is safe. 

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