Wednesday, June 14, 2017

BHS Drama Society

Updating the website is going pretty well, getting all of the show tabs updated. Just weebly so nothing big. Also fixed the calendar on the website.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Website day 5

Finished the front end design of the website, basically realizing now that there isn't really much I had to say about it and the pages are very minimal. I have lots of class time left so do I work on the skate website too?

Monday, June 5, 2017

Website day 4

Worked on the networking section and the about us tab of the webpage. Getting all of the front end design working. Added a gallery for networking with female VC's will finish bio's later.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Website day 3

Thinking a lot about how to make the accounts, there isnt a current account feature. I have a submission page for sign ups and a log in thing but I dont know how to make the networking page yet.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Website day 2

Using weebly now, its a better service. Lets you customized the structure more and add things like a submission form for the login which I needed. Probably finish the design in the next day or two.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Website day 1

Chose the idea of buying and selling skateboard products as the website, currently using wix as the template and editor.

Monday, May 22, 2017

App inventor day 5

Today I didnt get much done, added an end screen and a strokes counter.

Friday, May 19, 2017

App inventor day 4

So ,I changed my concept for my app, I think that I want to make a timed and scored game that is similar to mini golf but its a see how many points you can score in as little time as possible. So I added a score counter today, I'll add the timer Monday and Tuesday maybe add a speed change in the ball because I am not a huge fan of it right now,

Thursday, May 18, 2017

App Inventor day 3

Started working on the pool app, using a mini golf app to base the game off of. Not entirely sure right now how things will turn out, but I'm working on it.

App inventor day 2

Finished the space invaders program, decided that I wanted to do something similar to pool as a computer game

Thursday, May 11, 2017

App inventor day 1

I worked on a program that is a shooter type game, a rocket shoots a saucer. I finished the design elements and began coding, Set up my account info in a tablet.

Monday, April 24, 2017

PT Create Day 7

Minutes: 50

Got done: Finished all of the functionalities of the app, all screens, buttons, sounds, and transitions are working. Took the screen video of my code in work.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

PT Create day 6

Minutes: 58

Got done: Finished the functionality of the reminders screen, I also changed the design from a text box that prints things in them to text input boxes with check boxes. The only thing that I have left is to write the reflections and to finish the last three sounds of the sounds screen. All of this should be done in the next class.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

PT Create Day 5

Minutes: 45

Got done: I added a new screen, a reminders screen to help with anxiety because students when more organized seem to be less stressed. I right now only have the design, no functionality, I fixed some bugs with the maze game and wrote part  2a of my written response.

Monday, April 10, 2017

PT Create Day 4

I recovered all of my code! Turns out that the in class computer was the issue and wouldn't load my account properly. I could not create and work on new projects either. Today I brought in my personal computer and when I loaded on my computer all of the code and functionality was present. This was a huge relief because I had done almost all of my work and it was very relieving to find that my code was there and I wouldn't have to waste time redoing my work.

Minutes: 57

Got done: 3 out of 6 functionalities of my sounds. The wind chimes, whales, and ocean. Added some functions in my code to clean up the sounds and make sure that only one sound is playing at a time.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

PT Create Day 3

Minutes: 50

Got done: Full functionality of the maze screen. Added up left right triggers, restart, home button, and a moves counter.

Monday, April 3, 2017

PT - Create Day 1

Minutes: 51 minutes in class

Things I got done: Today I worked my idea, a ,mindfulness app, then drew up a blueprint of the screens and their functionalities. Then I began transferring those designs from paper into the app in app lab. Finished the design for all of my screens. Then using old code that I wrote I gave my canvas screen full functionality.  

Thursday, March 9, 2017

PT Reflection

1. How many hours did you spend on the performance task? Be very specific, this includes work at home
Total: 2 hours 31 minutes Day 4: 32 minutes Day 3: 47 minutes Day 2: 43 minutes Day 1: 24 minutes
2.  How or why did you decide to write the program that you wrote?
What is the purpose?  Does it solve a problem?  Can you use your program to solve a problem?
I wrote the program to help me and other production assistants specifically for the States play at BHS. This play, us being a host school, gets very complex and organization becomes difficult which is why I needed the program.
3.  Capturing using licecap.  Easy, difficult? What would have made it easier?
It was very easy, the online demo showed me everything I would need to know for using the program. Converting it to a mov file online was also very simple.
4.  Submission requirements.  What was clear? Unclear? Did you read ALL of the submission requirements carefully to know what was expected of you?  On the first submission did you submit according to ALL of the requirements?  IF no what did you forget or not do?  why? What would have helped you to be able to complete the requirements more thoroughly?
At first I did not have all of my submission requirements down because I did not submit the video in the proper format. Then after a quick google conversion I was fine. If I were to do this again I would have had the rubric with me so that I could see the final products as I was finishing so that I knew to convert it first try.
5.  Capture and marking your code?  Able to do it?  If not what would have helped you?
Yes I was able to do it and also box and oval the parts of my program which were abstractions and algorithms which were mentioned in the rubric.
6.  Describing the incremental, iterative process of the program. Were you able to do this? If not what would have helped you with this component?
I was able to do the project with fairly good structure, I started from my idea then designed each screen on paper. After the paper design I put the designs up on then started the key functions. I ended with the most complex parts of my programs, the loops and arrays.
7. Algorithm that integrates other algorithms. Able to do it? If not what would have helped.

Yes, I had event handlers and functions that included loops and appending statements.

Day 4 PT Project

minutes: 32 minutes

things I got done:

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Day 3 PT project

minutes: 47 minutes

What I got done: I am almost completed with the functionality of the pizza screen, that leaves two others to finish in the next two days which I think that I can accomplish. I am trying to integrate arrays and continuous displays but I can change the design to make it easier later on if it is hard to finish and I am in a time crunch.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Day 2 PT project

minutes spent coding: 43 minutes

Things I got done: the design for all screens in, wrote in the functionality of all the back to home buttons and started the pizza screen functions.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Day 1 PT Project

Minutes spent: 24

Things done: Found an idea for a project, basic design and schematic, being to create the foundation of the code in, ran the project by Ms.Stark, began Pseudo Code,

Thursday, February 16, 2017


>Give an explanation of each  statement below  and relate it to something they experienced as part of this lesson

4.2.4D Different correct algorithms for the same problem can have different efficiencies. Both linear search and binary search solve the same problem, but they have different efficiencies.
One program writes out every function iteration while another uses a for loop to run until it reaches the end of a sequence or set in an array. They both work but the loop makes the program run more efficiently.

4.2.4E Sometimes more efficient algorithms are more complex. Binary search is more efficient than linear search, but even though it might be easy to understand at a high level, it is much more challenging to write code for.
Having nested conditional statements in other conditionals or in loops can be confusing to follow logically however they make your code more efficient.

4.2.4F Finding an efficient algorithm for a problem can help solve larger instances of the problem. The algorithms we wrote work for any size input.
Writing a for loop or a while loop to find the lowest value card in a set of cards.

4.2.4G Efficiency includes both execution time and memory usage. Execution “time” here means number of operations that need to be performed in the worst case.
Having a program iterate a command every time and typing it out can take dozens of lines of code slowing down the processing time while a conditional or a loop can make the code simply a few lines cutting down the time by a lot.

4.2.4H Linear search can be used when searching for an item in any list; binary search can be used only when the list is sorted. Emphasis should be placed on the fact that binary search only works when the list is sorted. It’s a fact often forgotten.

A list of names is in alphabetical order therefore the code can be made more efficient by going directly to the place where the letter starts. This makes the code more complex and harder to write than linear code where it is most efficient to go through every item in the list.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Refactoring Code

Why might you want to change or refactor old code?
To make the code more readable, efficient, and simplistic.
Is it necessarily a bad thing to refactor code?
What steps can we take to avoid refactoring code too frequently?
Making functions at the beginning of the code and having global variables that can be reassigned.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Array vs Variable

  • All the messages a user has sent
    • Array
  • The highest score a user has ever reached on the app
    • Variable
  • A username and password to unlock the app
    • Array

In general, when do you think you should you store information in an array, and when should you use a variable?

When it's only one or two values that are not related directly you should use a variable. Otherwise arrays work well.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Coin flips

How long does it take for the number of heads and tails flipped to be equal to 10?
20 flips
Longest streak where each roll is greater than or equal to the last

Longest streak made of only five (any five) of the six faces on the die (i.e., not equal to the other)
8 rolls.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Color Sleuth

1. Did you develop a program with a purpose? if yes what?
Yes, the program is a fun game that could also be modified to be a game version or a fun way to test for color blindness.
2. Did you apply algorithms and integrate math or logical concepts? What did you use?
Yes, I used booleans, if statements, conditionals, functions, and random integers.
3.  Did you apply abstraction ( integrate complexity to manage  math or logical concepts) ? How
Yes, I created if statements that were complex and had a structure to follow. I nested conditionals in functions and I used that to simplify the calling back of a score tally or a button color switch.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Will it crash reflection

For “Will it Crash” - what was easy? what was hard?
Fairly easy for me.
For this lesson, writing if-statements - what was easy, what was hard?
It was easy to follow the logic of the if-statements and although nested statements look messy I could also track those fairly well. This is largely in part to my previous coding experience specifically in javascript.
If there was one thing you wish you understood better at this point, what would it be?
I always get confused about boolean logic.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Multi Screen Code

onEvent("Beginbtn", "click", function(){
onEvent("Blocks", "click", function(){
onEvent("Calendar", "click", function(){
onEvent("Homebtn", "click", function(){
onEvent("Homejan", "click", function(){
onEvent("HomeBlock", "click", function(){

Error Messages

You probably had some error messages today. What error messages did you have?  How did you solve the error message?  Is is common to get error messages as a coder?  Why might a programmer "like" or benefit from error messages?

I did not experience any error messages since the project was fairly simple especially since I have used Javascript frequently in the past and am familiar with the syntax. Some common errors however that I have received in the past or my peers could have received would be mismatching ids or misspelling ids when you call things in your code. A programmer like myself would benefit from receiving error messages because it teaches the programmer how to deal with and solve problems in their code. 

Design Multi-screen Program

My plan for my multi screen program project.