Thursday, March 9, 2017

PT Reflection

1. How many hours did you spend on the performance task? Be very specific, this includes work at home
Total: 2 hours 31 minutes Day 4: 32 minutes Day 3: 47 minutes Day 2: 43 minutes Day 1: 24 minutes
2.  How or why did you decide to write the program that you wrote?
What is the purpose?  Does it solve a problem?  Can you use your program to solve a problem?
I wrote the program to help me and other production assistants specifically for the States play at BHS. This play, us being a host school, gets very complex and organization becomes difficult which is why I needed the program.
3.  Capturing using licecap.  Easy, difficult? What would have made it easier?
It was very easy, the online demo showed me everything I would need to know for using the program. Converting it to a mov file online was also very simple.
4.  Submission requirements.  What was clear? Unclear? Did you read ALL of the submission requirements carefully to know what was expected of you?  On the first submission did you submit according to ALL of the requirements?  IF no what did you forget or not do?  why? What would have helped you to be able to complete the requirements more thoroughly?
At first I did not have all of my submission requirements down because I did not submit the video in the proper format. Then after a quick google conversion I was fine. If I were to do this again I would have had the rubric with me so that I could see the final products as I was finishing so that I knew to convert it first try.
5.  Capture and marking your code?  Able to do it?  If not what would have helped you?
Yes I was able to do it and also box and oval the parts of my program which were abstractions and algorithms which were mentioned in the rubric.
6.  Describing the incremental, iterative process of the program. Were you able to do this? If not what would have helped you with this component?
I was able to do the project with fairly good structure, I started from my idea then designed each screen on paper. After the paper design I put the designs up on then started the key functions. I ended with the most complex parts of my programs, the loops and arrays.
7. Algorithm that integrates other algorithms. Able to do it? If not what would have helped.

Yes, I had event handlers and functions that included loops and appending statements.

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